This is a downloadable eBook. A printed version is available from Amazon (see below).
A collection of Bible stories by V. Gilbert Beers and Ronald A. Beers. Each story includes a colorful illustration by Daniel J. Hochstatter.
Included with each story is a QR code with a link to the word-for-word audio read-along for that story.
Stories included in the book:
- John’s Birth Announced
- Jesus’ Birth Announced
- Mary Visits Elizabeth
- John the Baptist Is Born
- Jesus Is Born
- Angels Appear to the Shepherds
Shepherds Worship Jesus - Simeon and Anna Honor Jesus
Wise Men See a Star - Wise Men Visit Jesus
- The Flight to Egypt
- The Return to Nazareth
- Jesus In the Carpenter’s Shop
Jesus and the Teachers - Jesus Is Tempted
- The Woman at the Well
- Mary and Martha
- Jesus and the Children
CLICK HERE to purchase from Amazon.