A collection of Bible stories by V. Gilbert Beers and Ronald A. Beers. Each story includes a colorful illustration by Daniel J. Hochstatter.
Included with each story is a QR code with a link to the word-for-word audio read-along for that story.
Stories included in the book:
- Zacchaeus Climbs a Tree
- A Wonderful Catch of Fish
- A Young Man Comes Back to Life
- Jesus Quiets a Storm
- Jesus Feeds Five Thousand
- Jesus Walks on Water
- Jesus Heals Ten Lepers
- The Good Samaritan
- The Lost Sheep
- The Young Man Who Ran Away
- Jesus’ Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem
- Jesus at the Temple
- Jesus Teaches with Stories
- A Coin for Caesar
- The Widow’s Mite
- A Woman Anoints Jesus’ Feet
- Judas Takes Thirty Pieces of Silver
- Preparing for the Last Supper