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A collection of Bible stories by V. Gilbert Beers and Ronald A. Beers. Each story includes a colorful illustration by Daniel J. Hochstatter.
Included with each story is a QR code with a link to the word-for-word audio read-along for that story.
Stories included in the book:
- Peter Heals Aeneas
- Peter Raises Dorcas from the Dead
- Cornelius Becomes a Christian
- Believers at Antioch Called Christians
- Peter Is Put Into Prison and Escapes
- Paul Begins His Travels for Jesus
- Paul and Barnabas Are Mistaken for Gods
- Paul Is Called to Macedonia
- Lydia Becomes a Christian
- The Prison at Philippi
- The Bereans Accept Paul
- Paul at Mars Hill
- Diana of the Ephesians
- Eutychus Falls from a Window
- Paul Is Arrested
- Paul Before Governors and Kings
- Paul Sails and Is Shipwrecked
- Paul at Rome